1) At what point did you realize that playing Basketball professionally is a possibility?
I first realized that I had a chance of playing professionally during my redshirt sophomore year..
2)What was your greatest moment in college basketball?
Beating Kansas in Waco / playing in the NCAA tourney my senior year..
3)What was your mindset prior to declaring for the draft?
I just wanted to live out my dream of playing in the NBA..
4) What was your thoughts the night before and the night of the draft?
The night before I just kept thinking of how it would feel to hear my name called on draft night; the night of the draft, I just had whole lot of thoughts and emotions.
5) At any point at the draft did you think you may not be drafted?
There was a point during the draft where I was telling teams that I didn't want to be drafted because they wanted to send me straight overseas..
6)Which player would you call your role model or inspiration?
I didn't really have role models growing up but my favorite players to watch and learn from were Tim Duncan and KG.
7) How did it feel being drafted to Brooklyn? Where you ever a fan of them?
I didn't really grow up having a favorite team but I love being a Net..
8) On your instagram you posted a picture of you in a Brooklyn hat. Did you want to be drafted by the Nets?
I wanted to be drafted by whatever team wanted me..
9) What are you looking forward to this season?
I'm looking forward most to being out on the floor with that Nets jersey on and contributing to my team..
10) Nets Daily called you the "rebound specialist", what do you say to that? Do you agree with that title?
I like that title, I think it shows everybody how hard I work on the court..
11) What advice would you give to someone trying to fulfill their dream in general and specifically in basketball?
To anybody trying to accomplish their dreams I would just say don't let anybody tell you what you can't do … and to the ones with dreams of playing professionally, be the person that works the hardest and be around the people that want to work hard..
Thanks Cory!