Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ball boy in Brooklyn gets a run for his towel!

Hey sports fans! Last night I got to sit in a suite. The view and experience was great but one think stood out from last night. What stood out was the fact that their was 6 people from Brooklyn on the court, but the best part is only 5 of them are on the roster. What do I mean by this? Well you can see in the link below's video, is one of the Nets esteemed ball boys cleaning the floor, but it this mundane cleaning turned suspenseful when Tyler Hansbrough ran down the court at full speed and almost tripped over the ball boy! Yes, that's scary. I can now tell you that all of Brooklyn are great ball players! It's actually funny, if you look in the corner of the video you can see Ethan Gold (pictured with me above) running backwards as well.

Great win and great experience!

Video and official article can be viewed : Brooklyn ballboy shows good hustle « All Ball Blog with Lang Whitaker | NBA.com

Here is a direct quote from the website: 
ALL BALL NERVE CENTER — I just spent about ten minutes trying (in vain) to find a video clip of a play from 2001, when then-Hawks guard Jacque Vaughn made a steal during a game in Cleveland, and had to forearm shiver an unsuspecting ballboy out of the way while sinking a lay-up. (There is a written recap of it here, though.)  This happens from time to time in the NBA, when a ballboy runs onto the court to do his or her job, and then the run of play suddenly reverses and the ballboy finds themselves caught out there.
This is exactly what happened last night in Brooklyn, where a ballboy ventured onto the court to clean up the floor and found himself in crosshairs of a Tyler Hansbrough fastbreak. What do you do when Psycho T comes crashing down on you? You dive off the court as fast as you can, that’s what you do …