Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Me with NBA legend Keke 

I received 4 emails this week asking me what's my plans for the 2014. So here is the answer:

1) Develop relationships with teams and organizations. I have been in contact with the Mets,Giants,Knicks and others... 

2) Develop relationships with actors on a personal level as opposed to through their PR staff. This will allow me to get advice when needed. I'd like to shout out to: Bill Curry,Gregory Jbara,Cardinal Robbins,Geno Segers,Keke Vandeweghe and many others.

3) Get involved in charity. I am in touch with the Jason Kidd foundation and in the middle of coordinating an event with them.

4) Get in touch with people who do this for a living.

5) Start my intern with TwinAmerica.com as a PR intern.

6) Interview sports figures for this blog.

7) Redo my website and preform SEO.

Thanks for the emails! Please feel free to contact me michael@universalinterview.com